Churchill Park United Church
Syrian Refugee Sponsorship updates...
We are The South Osborne Syrian Refugee Initiative (SOSRI), a group of about 200 supporters mainly living in the Riverview and Lord Roberts areas. We’ve partnered with Churchill Park United Church (CPUC) to sponsor three related Syrian refugee families that are struggling day-to-day.
The two families in Lebanon are still in peril as they are a mere 20km from their hometown and the part of Lebanon they are in is also very unstable.
All three families are close relatives of Winnipeggers Joseph Chaeban and Zainab Ali. Joseph came to Canada in 1988 at 6 years old with his parents. Zainab came to Canada in 2006 to marry Joseph.
We need about $90,000 to support these families through the immigration process and for a one-year period after arrival. Our fundraising efforts have been very successful so far, raising more than $75,000. However, with less than $15,000 left to raise, it is time to push over the top! We know we can do this with your help.
We're asking you to consider a 1% or $150 donation (or more). That's a BIG ask we know, but it's a BIG issue! We may not be “one-percenters”, but you can be part of a 1% solution for these three families - it's time to bring them to a new and safe home.
If you are so inclined, please pass this request along to family and friends, since the sooner we raise the final $15,000, the sooner we’ll be assured we have the resources to bring theses families to the safety of Canada.
Thank you for considering this request.
Other things you should know:
You can donate via our GoFundMe page (gofundme.com – search “S Osborne”). However, GoFundMe takes an 8% fee, so a cheque means more goes to refugees.
If you wish to donate by cheque, make them payable to Churchill Park United Church. Write Refugee Fund on the memo line. You can drop your cheque in our mailbox or call me and I'll pick it up and then deliver to CPUC. Or you can deliver it to CPUC yourself.
Charitable receipts will be issued for monetary donations. CPUC will hold the funds in trust for the refugees.
Donations of other amounts are, of course, welcome.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can check out our Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/950998331632326/ and/or www.SOSRI.ca website.